There are thousands of qi gong forms with different therapeutic benefits, some aiming to maintain healthy organs while others focus on strengthening tendons and muscles. Despite their differences, they all work together in harmony.

Personally, I find it easier to learn and remember a complete set of movements within a few hours or a weekend. In our qi gong workshops, we focus on teaching one set at a time, with repeated practice to perfect the movements.

Weekly classes are great for ongoing practice, but workshops offer a more in-depth understanding of the Traditional Chinese Medicine theories behind each posture and movement.

Please refer to the schedule below for dates of three-hour workshops throughout the year, as well as a weekend workshop led by renowned qi gong teacher Bob Lowey from Scotland. Bob has been leading workshops in Mulhouse since 2003 and is highly respected for his teaching style and fun with a wonderful sense of humor.


picture of group doing qi gong

no planned weekend workshop
Qi Gong workshop from 9h30 to 12h30 at the salle Franklin (Mulhouse)

 October 27, 2024         DaoYin - General

Janurary 26, 2025
DaoYin - Muscle & Tendon

March 30, 2025
DaoYin- Poem

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